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CETA isn't just about competing. We offer Academy classes in Cheerleading! All of our Academy classes are on a monthly basis, so you can take part in one to pinpoint specific skill groups, or keep coming back to take part in Cheer without making a long-term commitment. Triple Threat is your one stop shop for cheer, dance & tumbling. Our one hour class focuses on each portion in 20 minute increments.

We offer 3 levels of Triple Threat: (Level 1: ages 5-7) (Level 2: ages 8-10) (Level 3: ages 11 & up)



Rec Cheer

Designed to teach the basics of all star cheer to prepare those who plan to compete in the future. An all star intro class that performs at one local event.

Jr High & High School Tryout Prep

Designed to boost your confidence and best prepare candidates for their upcoming tryouts. Classes are 1-hour each. Monthly tuition is $80.00

* Motion Technique

* Jump Technique

* Tumbling

* Dance

* Spirit

* Entrance

* Mock Tryouts and more!

College Cheer Tryout Prep

Designed to boost your confidence and best prepare candidates for their upcoming tryouts. Classes are 2-hour each. Monthly tuition is $160.00

* Coed Stunting (1 hour)

* Motions & Fight Song Technique (30 minutes)

* Tumbling (30 minutes)


Lafayette and surrounding areas

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